Whether you’re a novice or an experienced bonsai tree fanatic, trimming your trees is an important part of caring for them. It can be a little time-consuming, but it pays off in the long run.
Pruning should be done in late winter or early spring when leaves are dormant and pests are inactive. Elms are especially vulnerable to out-of-season trimming, which can spread the disease Dutch elm disease.
Don’t Overcut
When pruning a tree, it is important to not overcut it. Overcutting can result in a tree that is ungainly and lacks grace. The best way to avoid overcutting is to work with the natural habit of the tree.
Start by removing any branches that are overgrown (growing longer than the opposite side). Begin with the largest branch and use your pruners to cut it a 1/2-inch above the V-shaped branches on the trunk.
Next, snip any yellow or brown leaves that are on the branches. These leaves will soon fall off and are only absorbing nutrients that can be used by healthier leaves. Pruning these leaves will help them grow back fuller and healthier. Also, make sure to trim dead or dying branches with the pruners at a 45-degree angle. This will help the new branches to grow faster. It will also prevent the branches from drooping down and causing damage to the ground around them.
Don’t Remove Too Much Foliage
When it comes to tree trimming, removing too much foliage can lead to an unruly plant with a less-than-desirable appearance. The main objective of pruning should be to remove dead or diseased branches without reducing the health and vigor of your prized possession. It also helps to make sure that you are using the right pruning tools for your chosen tree and its species. Using the correct equipment will ensure that your trimmed tree looks healthy and beautiful for years to come! The above-mentioned trees are not the only plants that require regular attention to maintain their good looks and vigor.
Don’t Trim at the Wrong Time
The right time and the right amount of pruning will enhance your landscape. However, if you’re not careful you can end up with a tree that looks untidy and is lacking in the oomph department. Luckily there are some tricks of the trade that can help you get it right.
A good place to start is by understanding the tree’s growth habits. Take a look at the limbs that make up the tree’s crown, or central leader, and notice which ones grow at an acute angle to the main line. This is a good indicator of the optimal pruning angles to achieve a balanced tree. Those angled branches are often weaker and need to be trimmed off on a regular basis. The same can be said for lateral branches that extend to the side of the main stem. Likewise, inspect the bottom of the tree and remove any branches that grow into a window or other obstruction in your yard.
Don’t Use the Wrong Tools
When it comes to trimming trees, there are a few important things you need to keep in mind. You want to do the job right so that your trees will thrive and stay healthy.
You also need to make sure that your tools are clean and disinfected before you use them. This helps prevent the disease from spreading to your other plants and trees.
It’s a good idea to use loppers, which have long handles that allow you to reach high or narrow areas and make clean cuts. They’re great for pruning thicker branches, too.
Don’t Cut Too Early
A well-maintained tree can increase your property value, reduce heating/cooling costs and add to the beauty of your home. It can also provide a valuable source of privacy and shade. But what happens when the time comes to trim, prune or cut down a tree?
One of the most common mistakes homeowners make is cutting a tree too early. This can cause damage to the limbs, and it may result in sap flowing out from the cuts and onto your lawn or equipment.
You can avoid this problem by cutting in the winter when trees are dormant and there isn’t any leaf cover blocking sunlight to the branches you want to prune. It’s also a great time to make sure that you’re pruning the branches that are most important and that will thrive in your landscape.